Digital Word Work in Year 3

Creating a visual for a word of choice using the sketch pad in Notes app.

Taking a photo of the word sort.

Capturing the colour coded and final word sort.

Using a table in Notes app to outline words of choice to sketch.
The students in Mrs McMurray's class learned to use the Notes app on the iPad to provide them with ways to synthesise their Word Work learning. All students took a photo of their word lists and then sorted them by colour coding them and creating the 'Odd Ball' header too if necessary. They then created a table to outline which word of their own choice they wanted to create a visual of, with many choosing words they don't know. Finally, the class learned to use the sketch pad to create a visual of their chosen word using tools such as the ruler and compass to draw straight and right angle lines if needed. The students exported their sketches to the Photo Gallery and imported it to a project in pages. Next the class will look at recording a sentence that describes their visual.


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