Designing Technology Posters in Mrs. Allen's Class

Flap down, wings on.

Walk with 2 hands and arms.

Count for friends.

Finding the Camera app with device search.

Posters on Pic Collage app.
The Year 1 and 2 students in Mrs Allen's class learned to use the technology they use at Creaney PS in a safe and helpful way. After creating class guidelines for using iPads in the classroom the class learned how to take photos with the camera app and take photos with their friends to create a poster showing the guidelines for other students in the school. The students learned that by having the 'flap-down, wings on', counting down for their friends to be ready and using device search to find the Camera app they can take good quality pictures, quickly. The class will now look at heading/body text and colour choices for their posters using Pic Collage app.


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