Exploring Beneath Our Feet with Technology in Year 4

Mr. Spilcker's class continued their investigation of the Earth 'Beneath Our Feet' by describing their observations of a map from long ago using the Explain Everything app. The class learned to input an image of the map and also crop and resize it before using the audio tutorial feature to describe their observations and how it may have changed compared to the present time. The class then learned to communicate in an online space appropriately and productively by accessing a Padlet wall created for the unit via a QR code and following the guidelines to make posts to the wall about what they Think they Know and Want to Know about the topic, as part of a class TWLH chart. The class followed the guidelines well to make posts that were about the topic, contained no emojis (as it is a formal text), were full sentences and most importantly identified the writer with first name. Well done Year 4 on beginning your exploration of this exciting unit.


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