Creating Data Games with Microbit in Grade 6

A student screen casting and sharing their code.

Some students change the LED display to their own rock, paper, scissor symbol. 

If/else logic in green.

Data tables in Pages app incorporate many of the features of the Numbers app for organising and representing data.
The students in Mr. Dowding's class continued their learning of data in Maths by creating a rock, paper, scissors game with Microbits. The class learned to use if/else logic to create the code for their game which included drawing their own symbols for each option to appear on the LED screen. The choices ranged from letter indicators for rock, paper, scissors to totally different symbols for the student's own game creations. The students were keen to share their algorithms by screen casting their code developed with block code language for all the students to see. The students then looked at using data tables in Pages app to collect three sets of data from their rock, paper scissors algorithms to represent and analyse for probability.


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