
A Journal of 'Learned' in Year 4

The students in Mr. Spilcker's class continued their learning of Earth Science in their unit - Beneath Our Feet - by learning how to enhance their text with image editing such as Instant Alpha in the Pages app. The class used their TWLH chart to guide their report about what they learned, using the paragraph and image place holders in the Report Template in Pages app. Particularly, the instant Alph Editing of images to wrap with text was found to be useful. Finally, the students searched for copyright free images to demonstrate their learning or 'L' of their TWLH chart using online resources they have used for this purpose already and posted to the class Padlet wall. Next the students will reference these websites to demonstrate how the they know this learning to be true or 'H' of their TWLH chart and complete a self assessment using iMovie.

Data Collection, Representation and Analysis in Year 5/6

The students in Mr. Dowding's class learned to collect, represent and analyse data from their Microbit Step Counter (Pedometer) tests to make an informed analysis about which part of the body provides the most reliable reading of steps. The students inputted their tests into a normal spreadsheet before learning how to create a bar graph of the data. The students then learned to manipulate the X & Y axis and other labels and values on their graph to make it easier to analyse. The class then used Pages app to import their graphs to highlight their analysis, describe it and record this.

Innovating Talk for Writing Stories in KK

T he students in Mrs McCulloch's class continued to learn their talk for writing stories by using the draw and tell app for the 'invention' stage of their writing (or in this case oral story telling). Having previously 'imitated' Brown Bear, Brown Bear and then 'innovated' the story to create a class text or 'Stripy tiger, Stripy tiger' the students were assisted to create a Draw and Tell video of their own story with visual prompts for the 5 senses contained in the innovated story e.g. I see a... I hear a.....etc. This enabled the students to showcase their learning of repetitive story structures, use describing words and their understanding of their 5 senses (as they have been learning for Science.).

Digital Post It Word Work in Year 3

The students in Mrs McMurray's class continued learning their Word Work programme by digitally sorting their word lists using the Post It Plus app. and describing sentences in Pages app to create a fully digital process for their Word Work. After sorting their lists in Post It Plus the class exported their sorts to the Photo Gallery and then imported these to the Word Work Journal they had created in Pages. The students then used the audio tool to record a sentence/s of each heading from their list. Further, they learned to use the Sketch pad tool to create Odd Ball headings if their list required it.

Describing The Water Cycle with an Avatar in year 2

The Year 2's in Mrs Allen's class continued their learning of the Water Cycle by creating an avatar style description of the parts of the cycle using Chatter Kid app. Firstly, the students created their avatar by taking a photo of themselves and marking it up with props, frames and filters relevant to that part of the cycle. Then they recorded their best description using their scripts and best reading emphasis. Finally, the Year 2's saved their avatar style descriptions to the photo gallery as a short video for each part of the cycle. Next, the students will overlay these videos to a Keynote presentation to bring them all together.

Pages with Audio in Year 4

Speaker, bottom right, shows an audio recording is attached. Audio recording editor. The students in Mr. Spilcker's class continued their learning of the Unit 'Beneath our Feet' by developing a report using Pages app on the iPad. The class learned to evaluate templates and utilise the text and image place holders on them to insert researched (from usage right permitted sources like or )  or photographed images relevant to their unit of study via the Photo Gallery. Further, the students learned to insert audio to their report to emphasise the concepts they learned, specifically in this lesson describing the changes and processes they can see in a landscape. In addition they learned to label key landscape features on maps as well as the parts of a map using the shapes tool. The class will now reference the TWLH chart on the class padlet wall, their websites researched previously and their notes from the incursion by the...

Drawing and Telling Number Books in KK

Using inking and audio record to create separate number pages. The final product - movie accessed in the camera roll.  Number pages grouped into one book in Draw and Tell app. The students in Mrs McCulloch's class created a digital book about numbers using the Draw and Tell app. The whole class learned how to select a paper and ink a number using the straight and curved lines they know by watching a screen cast of the app on iPad to the projector screen using AirServer. Then in small groups students learned to add audio recordings to their artistic number pages. Following this everyone learned how to drag and drop their lovely numbers in the right order and then sit back watch and review as a video. Another great effort KK!